Explore Vikāra's renowned cartoon learning series used by development practitioners worldwide.

Story-telling is used to demystify practical market development concepts and tactics. For individual learning, with guides for trainers on how to use the tools in group settings too. Available in English, French and Spanish.
Series Currently Available:
Market Systems Resilience Series
Introduction to MSR
Market Analysis for MSR
Household Resilience
Practical Market Systems Development Tactics Series
Financing Mechanisms - Domestic Remittances
Financing Mechanisms - Buyer Check-off
Performance Clubs for Producers
Contests - To Increase Adoption by Market Actors
Practical Market Facilitation Approaches Series
Input Supply Interventions
Output Buyer Interventions
Cross-cutting Interventions

You can also explore these cartoons in French and Spanish. Click the buttons alongside for your preferred language.

Flip through the cartoons in our online books below, or download the comic books, further down, to read through in your own time!
For accessibility for people with visual impairments, click this icon to enlarge text or listen to it through a third-party app.

Market Systems Resilience Series
Introduction to MSR
Practical Market Systems Development Tactics Series
Financing Mechanisms:
Domestic Remittances
Financing Mechanisms as tactics to improve farmer performance in the market system:
Practical Market Facilitation Approaches Series
Input Supply Interventions
Interested in downloading and reading the comic book series? Explore various topics below.

Market Systems Resilience Series
Introduction to MSR
Market Analysis for MSR
Household Resilience
Practical Market Systems Development Tactics Series
Financing Mechanisms
Financing Mechanisms as tactics to improve farmer performance in the market system:
Performance Clubs for Producers
Performance Clubs for Smallholder Farmer Suppliers as a tactic to incentivize improved performance in a market system through better supply chain management:
Cartoon 1: Performance Clubs - Overview
Cartoon 2: Performance Clubs - Project Approach
Cartoon 3: Performance Clubs - Competition versus Co-operation
Contests - To Increase Adoption by Market Actors
Contests as a tactic to introduce new
technologies into a market system and amplify good behavior:
Practical Market Facilitation Approaches Series
Input Supply Interventions
Output Buyer Interventions
Cross-Cutting Interventions
Are you a trainer or facilitator? Below you can explore our cartoon learning series in a presentation format that you can use in your own training materials.
Market Systems Resilience Series

Introduction to MSR
Market Analysis for MSR
Practical Market Systems Development Tactics Series

Financing Mechanisms
Financing Mechanisms as tactics to improve farmer performance in the market system:

Performance Clubs for Producers
Performance Clubs for Smallholder Farmer Suppliers as a tactic to incentivize improved performance in a market system through better supply chain management:
Cartoon 1: Performance Clubs - Overview
Cartoon 2: Performance Clubs - Project Approach
Cartoon 3: Performance Clubs - Competition versus Co-operation

Contests - To Increase Adoption by Market Actors
Contests as a tactic to introduce new technologies into a market system and amplify good behavior:
Practical Market Facilitation Approaches Series

Input Supply Interventions

Output Buyer Interventions

Cross-Cutting Interventions
This guide shows projects how to effectively use the cartoon-based learning tools for the capacity building of their teams. Download below.
Download here or click on image above
View additional resources by clicking the links below.
Blog Posts
Video Coverage
LEO Market Systems Development Cartoon Based Learning Tools Video Interview